The children had been learning about different materials and their uses at school and Spectra were only too happy to open their doors to give the pupils a real insight into how plastic bottles are made.
Joe Maynard, Managing Director at Spectra said,
“Our school tours are a fantastic way of educating children from an early age about plastics, what they are made from and how we can responsibly view them as a precious material that shouldn’t simply be considered waste. Our staff enjoy showing the children around and taking questions. Rewardingly, our team find the children are always captivated by the moulding process and the machinery involved”.
After the factory tour, the children were given easy to understand leaflets explaining the process. The literature also informed as to what plastics can be recycled and what those plastics can be recycled in to in the future.
Joe added,
“Not only did the visit help educate the children about plastics, but it may also inspire them to pursue a career in the industry when they get older”.
Mark Coote, a teacher from Holton St. Peter Community Primary School, who also attended the day commented,
“The children enjoyed their visit to Spectra and how they learnt about the different processes which are involved in making plastic bottles. All of them appreciated their time with you which they still remember. Thank you Spectra for taking the time to facilitate the visit”.